An energy community, united under one roof

Condominium with PV panels and storage

1 SNOCU consumer/monitor per apt
1 SNOCU storage/multi


Production, storage and energy sharing between condominiums


Absorb the cost of the system, improve self-consumption performance and facilitate accounting for the administrator

With energy communities

  1. Reduction of fixed costs and energy cost on the bill
  2. Don’t exchange the excess energy with the utility, but put it in the smart grid of the community at more advantageous conditions
  3. Connect to renewable energy production and storage systems also of other condominiums, and draw on them when needed
  4. Power to monitor all energy assets through a single interface

“I chose Regalgrid® for the condominium I manage because it allowed me to distribute the energy produced among the condominiums that shared the system costs, leaving the possibility for other tenants to maintain different forms of energy supply”